1. Do not overload L293B : One motor per one chip.
2. Always keep in mind the limitation of current : It is
hard to control bunch of motors at once.
3. Insert capacitor between (+) terminal and (-) terminal.
It reduces noise.
4. Use color bands or tags when
connecting electrical parts. It will be greatly helpful for maintaining your
5. Go to the recycle market next to
P&TS. You can find some useful things for awesome price! We bought an old
printer $5 which includes 3 motors. Keep in mind that it opens only on
Wednesday (plan accordingly).
6. Instead of just discussing at the
table, start making hardware early! You will run into more problems than you
have expected during the manufacturing process.
You have to secure enough time to solve the problems and tune the
machine at the final stage.
7. Especially for International
students: Don’t spend whole Thanksgiving recess working on this project.