Mechanical Part



     Goal Actuator





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Mechanical Part Specification


1. Motor : HSIANG NENG Geared Motor HN-27GB,  1ea

2. Parts : Acrylic sheets(from TAP Plastics), Masonite board(from Minton’s Lumber) and Laser CAM processing

3. Movement Driving Mechanism : A geared motor is attached to the moving carriage, and a wheel is connected the motor.

The moving carriage is guided by two acrylic rods and driven by the friction force

between a wheel and a guide bar.


Goal Detector

 IR emitter and detector are located on the opposite side of the hoop each other that they detect a ball going through the hoop.


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Goal move motor (gear motor) is controlled bi-directionally by L293B.


The circuit for goal detect sensor is composed of Op-amp and comparator. A trans-resistive circuit is used to generate the current when IR signal is received. The output of the trans-resistive circuit is connected to LM324 in order to amplify the signal. Finally the output of the amplifier is connected to a high pass filter which is connected to a Schmitt trigger implemented with LM339 in order to create a clean, noise free digital signal. The output of the Schmitt trigger is tied to the input of the pin AD1 of a 9S12C32 to interface.




Backup Calculations


V+ of LM324 was connected to the potentiometer. The voltage of the potentiometer was 3V.

The output voltage of the high pass filter swung between 2 V and 4 V with the voltage difference of 2 V. Therefore, the following Schmitt trigger (Rpullup = 3.3 KΩ, R6 = 10 KΩ, R7 = 10 KΩ, and R8 = 100 KΩ) where





can be used.


Since the amplifier and the Schmitt trigger are inverting ones, the output of the circuit is low when there is a goal and high otherwise.



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