Port T7 Speed Control LED
Port T6 Penny Detector Circuit
Port T5 Ball Release LED
Port T4 Scoring Opto-Interrupter
Port T3 Game start green light
Port T2 Output 2, PWM. Used for the DispenseSwag Servo
Port T1 Output 1, PWM. Not currently used.
Port T0 Output 0, PWM. Currently used for wheel DC motor

Port M5 Blinking coin deposit light
Port M4 Pulse input line for register
Port M3 Shift Register Clock Pin
Port M1 Time expired red LED
Port M0 Timer warning yellow LED and distraction LEDs

Port AD0 Level Select Potentiometer
Port AD7 End Game Buzzer

Download a document containing schematics for the (various and sundry array of) circuits.

©2007 dalal tower wohl