/* Events header file */
/* By: Benjie Nelson, Nora Levinson, David Sirkin */
/* Dr. Von Sirlevson's Automated Locomotive Computation Engine */
/* Prototypes                                     */

/* Getter Functions for Static Variables          */

TapeState GetTapeB(void);

TapeState GetTapeL(void);
TapeState GetTapeR(void);
/* Check Events Functions                         */

/* Pretty straight-forward, poll the flash pin T1 */

char SeeFlash(void);

/* Poll port AD pin 4 for beacon signal amplitude */

int BeaconStr(void);

/* Poll the IC-found DC or clear if expired first */
/* Compare that with expected DC range for goal 3 */
/* & dispenser. Set static states 'last' for each */

char CheckBeacon(void);

/* Poll the tape pins AD0-3 and set static states */

char CheckTapeB(void);

char CheckTapeL(void);  
char CheckTapeC(void);   
char CheckTapeR(void); 

/* Poll the bumper pins P0-2 & S2-3, set HI or LO */
char BumpIntoFT(void);   
char BumpIntoFB(void);

char BumpIntoBR(void);    
char BumpIntoBL(void);

/* Main check events function calls each of those */
/* checker routines in turn and returns the state */

char CheckEvents(void);