Electrical Schematics


Beacon Duty Cycle Detector


This circuit uses a photo transistor to detect infrared light. The signal from the phototransistor is conditioned with two op-amps and a high-pass filter. The conditioned signal is then input to a comparator with hysteresis to generate a clean digital output. The first op-amp linearizes the output of the phototransistor and the second op-amp has an adjustable gain to tune the amplification of the signal. The high-pass filter removes the effects of ambient light.

Sample calculations:

Stage 1 Op-amp:

For photo transistor used, Isat = 1mA

∆V = -0.3 V

Stage 2 Op-amp:


Gain ranges from 11 to 1

Final change in voltage ranges from 0.3 V to 3.3V

RC filter:

Fc = 965 Hz

This is well below the frequency of the beacons (1.25 kHz)



Flash Sensor


Sample calculations:

Stage 1 Op-amp:

For photo transistor used, Isat = 1mA

∆V = -0.2 V

Stage 2 Op-amp:


Gain is 4.55

Final change in voltage: 0.91V



Contact Switch

Door Lock Motor

Motor Driver (2x)

The motors used for the wheels were driven by the TLE5206 chip.  The chip uses drive-brake mode to drive the motors, with the inputs coming from the E128 microprocessor.  The capacitors are used to improve performance by limiting voltage spikes.


Tape Sensor (x3)

A tape sensor consists of a paired infrared emitter and detector. The emitter is an infrared LED and the detector is an infrared photo transistor. When the sensor is over a surface that reflects light, the phototransistor saturates and generates current. When over a surface that absorbs light, the phototransistor does not generate any current since it cannot detect any light.



Sample calculations:


Forward voltage: 1.7 V

Continuous Forward Current: 10mA

V – IR = 0

R must be at least 330Ω


We wanted to use an op-amp/comparator combination so that different colors could be sensed.  In the end, only one color level was needed, but this transresistive circuit was still used.  The resistor values for the op-amp gain and comparator reference voltage were experimentally determined to make sure the comparator would be triggered by any tape sighting.



Port Connections

Only 14 pins on the E128 microprocessor were required for this robot.  The port connections are documented below, and use just the 24-pin connector.


Voltage Regulator (repeat on each perf board)

This voltage regulator circuit takes the battery voltage (~7.2V) and downregulates it to 5V, which is used for all the logic circuits in the system.


Safety Switch

This switch was used to quickly power down the entire system in case of major malfunction.


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