

#ifndef IRBEACON_H

#define IRBEACON_H



//NOTE: This module assumes input is high when beacon is off

//and low when beacon is on.


//NOTE: Only works for 1.25 kHz beacon


//constants for FindBeacon()

#define LEFT 0

#define RIGHT 1


/*This module uses T6 to detect beacons and calculate duty cycles

It enables interrupts and uses a clock scale value of 4 (166 ns/tic)*/


//accessible functions

void BeaconInit(void);

/*Sets up timers and interrupts for interrupt-driven signal measuring*/


unsigned char BeaconDcycle(void);

/*Returns duty cycle of beacon currently in sight

returns zero if no beacon is detected*/


void FindBeacon(unsigned char Dcycle, unsigned char direction);

/*Turns robot in given direction until desired beacon duty cycle is found.*/






#include <hidef.h>      /* common defines and macros */

#include <mc9s12e128.h>     /* derivative information */

#include <S12E128bits.h>  /* E128 bit definitions */

#include <bitdefs.h>  /* BIT0HI etc. */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "S12eVec.h"

#include "IRbeacon.h"

#include "Startup.h"

#include "MotorControl.h"



//--------------------- Module Variables -------------------------



//module variable for tracking time w/ overflow

typedef union




    unsigned int high;

    unsigned int low;



  unsigned long AsLong;



static LongByInts    ThisTime;

static LongByInts    LastTime;

static unsigned long LoTime;

static unsigned long HiTime;

static unsigned long Delta;

static unsigned int  NumOverFlow;



static const unsigned int SignalPeriod = 4802;

                    //number of tics in a 0.8 ms period (1250 Hz)


//------------------------ Interrupts ----------------------------


//~~~~~~~~~~ Beacon Interrupt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

/*Calculates the time between rising and falling edges,

if a low period just ended, stores the result in LoTime

if a high period just ended, stores the result in HiTime. */

void interrupt 38 T6beaconChange(void)


  //check for recent overflow

  if( ((TIM1_TFLG2 & _S12_TOF) == _S12_TOF) && (TIM1_TC6<0x8000) )




    //reset flag

    TIM1_TFLG2 = _S12_TOF;



  //calculate period

  ThisTime.ByInt.high = NumOverFlow;

  ThisTime.ByInt.low = TIM1_TC6;


  if(PTT & BIT6HI) //if currently high, a falling edge just occurred

  {                                             //calculate low time

    Delta = (ThisTime.AsLong - LastTime.AsLong);

    HiTime = Delta;




    Delta = (ThisTime.AsLong - LastTime.AsLong);

    LoTime = Delta;



  LastTime = ThisTime;


  //reset flag

  TIM1_TFLG1 = _S12_C6F;





//~~~~~~~~~~~ Overflow Interrupt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

/*Updates overflow count each time there is an overflow*/

void interrupt 40 Overflow(void)



   //reset flag

   TIM1_TFLG2 = _S12_TOF;




//-------------------------- Functions -------------------------


//~~~~~~~~~~~~ BeaconInit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

/*Sets up input capture on T2 (Timer 1 channel 6) and enables interrupts*/

void BeaconInit(void)




  //enable Timer 1

  TIM1_TSCR1 = _S12_TEN;


  //scale timer

  TIM1_TSCR2 = _S12_PR1; //divide M by 4: 166 ns/tic


  //input capture on T2 (Timer 1 channel 6)

  //Setup T2 as Input Capture (0)

  TIM1_TIOS = (TIM1_TIOS & (~_S12_IOS6));


  //Set T2 to respond to all edges

  TIM1_TCTL3 = (TIM1_TCTL3 | (_S12_EDG6A | _S12_EDG6B));


  //Enable interrupts on T2

  TIM1_TIE = (TIM1_TIE | _S12_C6I);


  //reset flag

  TIM1_TFLG1 = _S12_C6F;


  //enable overflow interrupt

  TIM1_TSCR2 = (TIM1_TSCR2 | _S12_TOI);




//~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find Beacon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

/*Rotates robot in given direction until desired beacon duty cycle is found.

In order to see a beacon, the robot needs to see the the correct duty cycle

(range is +/- 5) NumCheck times in a row.*/

void FindBeacon(unsigned char Dcycle, unsigned char direction)


    int j=0;

    int NumCheck=10;

    unsigned char DC;


    if (direction == RIGHT)




    } else if (direction == LEFT)








    while(j<NumCheck) //check NumCheck times that it's the right beacon


        DC = BeaconDcycle();

        if(DC <(Dcycle-5) || DC >(Dcycle+5))


            j=0; //reset number of times beacon is seen if a value

        }         //outside of the range appears


        while (DC <(Dcycle-5) || DC >(Dcycle+5)) //check until duty cycle is correct


         DC = BeaconDcycle(); 



        //delay for 1ms between checks (gives time to measure duty cycle between checks)






    //stop turning when beacon is found




    // correct for overshoot

    if (direction == RIGHT)




    } else if (direction == LEFT)














//~~~~~~~~~~~~ BeaconDcycle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

/*Uses values strored in HiTime and LowTime to calculate the

duty cycle of the beacon in sight. Returns zero if no beacon. */

unsigned char BeaconDcycle(void)


   static unsigned char Dcycle  = 0;

   LongByInts    CurrentTime;


   CurrentTime.ByInt.high = NumOverFlow;

   CurrentTime.ByInt.low  = TIM1_TCNT;


   //if no rising/falling edges in a time period longer than the

   //frequency of the beacon, return zero if currently high 100 if currently low


   if((CurrentTime.AsLong - LastTime.AsLong) >= SignalPeriod)


      if(PTT & BIT2HI)


        Dcycle = 0;




        Dcycle = 100;



   else if(LoTime >=SignalPeriod)


      Dcycle = 0;


   else if(HiTime >= SignalPeriod)


        Dcycle = 100;




      //calculate Dutycycle

      Dcycle = ((long) HiTime*100)/SignalPeriod;



 return Dcycle;




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