Red October
     an ME218C Project

ME218C: Red October

Dept. of Mechanical Eng. | Stanford University

Meaningless graphic

Helm Code



Module Breakdown:




Main game code.

Called by nothing, includes no header

Module variables:        


















Module functions: (full psuedocode below)












iButton reading code.

Has header “iButton.h

Module variables:


(long) SerialNumber




Module functions:


ResetSequence                                     - sends the iButton a reset command

SendReadROMCommand                   - tells the iButton to start sending its SN

ReadNextBit                                          - reads a single bit out of the iButton

SetLineLO                                             - sets data line LO

SetLineHI                                              - sets data line HI

SetLineInput                                         - makes the shared data line an Input

ReadLine                                               - reads the value on the shared data line

Wait                                                       - waits, takes defined time constants as arguments

InitiButtonModule                               - initializes the iButton module (ports, etc)

ReadiButton                                          - reads the first 3 bytes in an iButton SN

GetiButtonMSB                                    - reports the MSB of the SN, excluding family byte

GetiButtonLSB                                     - reports the LSB of the SN, excluding family byte

PollForiButton                                      - checks whether an iButton is present, reports




Xbee sending and receiving code.

Has header “Xbee.h

Module variables:








Module functions:


                SendingFSM         - a finite state machine that cycles through all 12 bytes of a send

ReceivingFSM      - receives the 12 bytes

XBee_Init              - initializes the XBee ports

Get_XBee_Byte   - stores a single byte coming in over SCI

Set_XBee_Address - sets the XBee output address

Set_XBee_Bytes  - sets the Xbee output bytes

Check_Message_Flag – checks if we have a new messages

Clear_Message_Flag – clears the new message flag




Controls all the inputs

Has header “helm_inputs.h

Module variables:




Module functions:


InitInputPorts       - initializes the ports used as inputs

Report_Special1   - reports whether the special 1 button is pressed

Report_Special2   - reports whether the special 2 button is pressed

Report_Voice        - reports an voltage from the microphone A/D pin

Report_Roll           - reports a voltage from the accelerometer x-axis A/D pin

Report_FSR          - reports a voltage from the FSR A/D pin

Report_Pitch         - reports a voltage from the accelerometer y-axis A/D pin


Set_Speed             - calculates the speed value bases on the throttle and direction (voice and roll)

Set_Direction        - calculates the direction based on the roll and pitch

Set_PumpSpeed   - calculates the pump speed based on the FSR value

Check_Reverse    - checks the Pitch to see if we should be reversing




Controls all helm display segments

Has header “helm_display.c


Module variables:




Module function:


void InitDisplayPorts(void);


display_0                               - sets the appropriate pins to display a 0 on the seven segment display

- similarly titled functions exist 0-F to display all 16 values.


Set_Affiliation                      - displays which team we’re on                        

Set_Base                               - displays which base is active                                                         

Set_Standdown_LED          - controls the standown led, which shows us what the game state is

DisplayBoatNumber            - calls the display_? function based on the given team number







                Initialize the stand-down and animation timer                             

                Initialize the xbee module    

                Initialize the ports used for display

                Initialize input ports

clear the display

                set Xbee to an invalid address



Repeat forever (this is the game loop) :





Set the animation to Double Circle (2 segments chasing eachother around a circle)


                MessageMachine ß checks for XBee received messages, deals with them            

                Initialize the iButton module


                If we find an iButton:

                                Read that iButton’s serial number

                                Store the LSB and MSB of the SN as iButton_last_lsb and iButton_last_msb

                                Read the iButton again, store the serial number again


                                If the newly read values, both low and high byte, are the same

                                And if they aren’t 0xFFFF and 0x00, then

                                                Store them as iButton_MSB and iButton_LSB



                If we’ve found an iButton

             our game state to SEND_IBUTTON_MESSAGE



if we’re in game state: SEND_IBUTTON_MESSAGE:


                 Message_Machine ß check messages again



                Set our Xbee output bytes to be the iButton SN that we’ve found

                ( we are already transmitting every 200ms)           

                Turn off animation

                Display the middle bar of our 7 segment display, so we know we’ve found an ibutton

Change our game state to LOOKING_FOR_WATERCRAFT;



If we’re in game state: LOOKING_FOR_WATERCRAFT:


            Message_Machine ß check messages again



If we’re in game state:  PAIRED:


                Change our Xbee output address to a junk address, so we don’t send trash accidentally

                Message_Machine ß check messages again



If we’re in game state:  PLAYING_GAME:


                Turn on our LEDs to show that we’re now playing the game

                Set our XBee address to the craft to which we’ve paired

                 Message_Machine ß check messages again


                Poll for the following inputs, and store them:









assemble the Xbee output byte to send

            Set_XBee_Bytes(COMMAND, ((directionout*16)+speedout), (pumpspeedout + special1 + special2)); 



If we’re in game state:  STANDING_DOWN:


            Message_Machine ß check messages again

            Set our Xbee address to our paired watercraft

            Set the Xbee output bytes to NO_ACTION



If we’re in game state:  ENGAGEMENT_OVER:


Message_Machine ß check messages again

                As we did before, poll for inputs

                Assemble the Xbee output bytes, but include no pump/water delivery value





Main module initialization functions






                Turn on our first timer





                Turn a timer on

                Enable the output compare interrupt on that timer line

                Set the first interrupt for 200 ms later   




                Same as InitializePeriodTimer, but on a different channel



Main module Interrupt service routines


interrupt _Vec_tim0ch4 Periodic_ISR


clear interrupt flag

                schedule next interrupt for 200 ms later


                until we get a “send complete” return from SendingFSM in the Xbee.c module

                                call SendingFSM                 

                                ( this sends one full message)                          


interrupt _Vec_tim2ch7 Periodic_ISR_2


                Clear interrupt flag

                Schedule the next interrupt for 200 ms later


                If we’re in STANDING_DOWN gamestate

                                Decrement the stand_down_counter

                                If stand_down_counter reaches 0

                                                Reset stand_down_counter to a FULL_STAND_DOWN

                                                                (the right number of interrupts per 10 s interval)

                                                Turn off the animation flag

                                                Display our paired boat number on the 7 segment display

                                                Change our game state to PLAYING_GAME       



                Check our animation flag

                                If that is set

                                                Use that value to pick which animation sequence to use

(in the code, a bunch of animation sequences follow. They take animate_counter, %ed with the number of steps the animation has, and then display the appropriate value on the seven segment display. They then increment the animate_counter.



Main module message handling functions




     If the flag for a new message has been set:

                Clear that flag

                Run Import_Message_Machine, which stores the incoming bytes that we care about.

                Check the incoming message header



If the incoming message has the  ADMIRAL_HEADER:

                           Call Handle_Admiral to parse the message


If the incoming message has the  CRAFT_HEADER:  

                            Call Handle_Craft   


If the incoming message has the  HELM_HEADER:

                            Print out an error message, and do nothing


If the incoming message has the  IBUTTON_HELM_HEADER:

                            Print out an error message, and do nothing






                Check the sender’s address.

                If it matches the admiral’s address,


                                Otherwise, skip the rest.

                Check the last byte in


If the last byte in represents a START_GAME:


                If we’re in the PAIRED game state:  


                                                Set our output address to the admiralty

                                                Set an acknowledgement into our output bytes

                                                Send the message

                                                Set our output address to an unused one

                                                Set the appropriate LEDs so we know we’re playing the game

                                                Change our game state to PLAYING_GAME




If the last byte in represents a END_GAME:


Set our output address to the admiralty

                                Set an acknowledgement into our output bytes

                                Send the message

                                Set our output address to an unused one

                                Set the appropriate LEDs so we know we’re playing the game

                                Change our game state to ENGAGEMENT_OVER

                Turn on all LEDs, so we know the game is over


If the last byte in represents a BLUE_GOAL active:

                                Turn on our blue base LED                                                                                                                                                               


If the last byte in represents a RED_GOAL active:

                                Turn on our red base LED


If the last byte in represents a HARD_RESET:


                                Erase our memory of the iButton we’ve read and the craft we’re paired to:

        paired_Address_LSB = 0;

                      paired_Address_MSB = 0;

                      iButton_LSB = 0;

                      iButton_MSB = 0;

                                set our game state back toWAITING_FOR_IBUTTON;

                                clear all LEDs

                turn off the second timer interrupt



If the last byte in represents a  PING:


Check our game state, so we can respond (PONG) accordingly


 If we’re in game state  WAITING_FOR_IBUTTON:

                                                Set our output address to the admiralty

                                                Set our output bytes to the “waiting for ibutton” response

                                                Send the message

                                                Set our output address to an unused one

                                                Set the appropriate LEDs so we know we’re playing the game



                            If we’re in states SEND_IBUTTON_MESSAGE or LOOKING_FOR_WATERCRAFT

Set our output address to the admiralty

                                                Set our output bytes to the “have an ibutton, not paired” response

                                                Send the message

                                                Set our output address to an unused one

                                                Set the appropriate LEDs so we know we’re playing the game


                               If we’re in states PAIRED, PLAYING GAME, OR ENGAGEMENT_OVER

Set our output address to the admiralty

                                                Set our output bytes to the “paired” response

                                                Send the message

                                                Set our output address to an unused one

                                                Set the appropriate LEDs so we know we’re playing the game






                Check our game state


If we’re in game state  LOOKING_FOR_WATERCRAFT:


                If the last byte in represents a “matched” message from a craft:

                                Save the sending address of that craft as:



                                                display our paired boat number (the LSB)

                                show appropriate team affiliation (if even, BLUE, if odd, RED) with the LEDs


                                                change our game_state to  PAIRED                                         



                 If we’re in game state PLAYING_GAME:


Check to make sure it’s from our boat

                                If the address of the boat (MSB and LSB) is correct,

                                                Check the last byte in


                                                If that last byte represents a STAND_DOWN (0x02):

                                                                Acknowledge, by:

                                                                                Set our address to the paired boat

                                                                                Set our output bytes to a “stand down acknowledged”

                                                                                Send the byte


                                                                                Set our address to the admiralty

                                                                                Set our output bytes to a “command acknowledged”

                                                                                Send the byte


                                                                                Set our addres to an unused address


                                                                Set our game state to STANDING_DOWN

                                                                Set our animate flag to FLASH_PAIRED

                                                                                (flashes the paired boat number for the duration)

                                                                Reset the stand down counter to a FULL STAND DOWN




                Repeat 12 times:                                                                                                                                                                                  

                                Call Get_Xbee_Byte of the index (in the Xbee.c module)

                                 Store this value as Message_In at the current index

                                Increment the index           



                Store the 8th byte as the header_in

                Store the 9th byte as the message_in

                Store the 10th byte as the special_in


                Store the 4th and 5th bytes as the sender’s address