David Kelley
Donald W. Whittier Professor in Mechanical Engineering and founder of IDEO
David Kelley’s EE degree from CMU landed him in the engineering departments of NCR and Boeing, where he eventually discovered that the rigid world of corporate design was not for him. Through a friend, he learned about Stanford’s Joint Program in Design, and happily returned to school.
After earning his master’s in 1978 he started his own design firm, vowing to only work on cool projects with people he liked. The company he founded became IDEO, a worldwide leader in the user-centered design of products, services, and environments. IDEO is recognized as much for its process and culture as for its work. In May 2004 a Business Week cover article, “The Power of Design,” profiled IDEO and its work helping companies change the way they innovate.
David also began teaching design at Stanford in 1978, and became a tenured professor in 1991. David now heads Stanford’s d.school, and he is on a mission to add “design thinking” to Stanford’s existing competence of teaching analytical thinking. This will result in students who create delightful design experiences and embrace and promote a culture of innovation.
In Stanford’s 100-year retrospective on the people who most epitomized its tradition of academic excellence, David was recognized for encouraging “the melding of can-do spirit with limitless imagination.” In 2000, he was honored with the annual Chrysler Design Award and elected to the National Academy of Engineering, which recognized him for “affecting the practice of design.” In 2001 the Smithsonian Institute presented David and IDEO with a National Design Award. In 2002, he was named the Donald W. Whittier Professor in Mechanical Engineering. Most recently, David received the 2005 Sir Misha Black Medal for his “distinguished services to design education.”
Banny Banerjee
Associate Professor, Director - Stanford Design Program
Banny is the Director of the Stanford Design Program, the program that has shaped the design field through its unique approach to human centered innovation. He is working on developing radically processes that leverage design thinking in new ways. His focus is the development of transdisciplinary processes to bring about rapid change and large-scale impact. He is the founder of the “Design for Change Lab”; formed to address issues of sustainability, technology futures, and the dynamics of rapid change. He is working with Stanford faculty from behavioral sciences, social economics, systems analysis, management science, engineering, and art to generate new platforms for design thinking.
Originally trained as an architect, Banny Banerjee holds graduate degrees in Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, and Design. In India, he worked in the fields of architecture, structural engineering, adobe housing for the rural poor, and low embodied energy building systems. After coming to the US, he worked in the fields of computer simulation for energy in complex systems, software engineering, mechanical engineering, product design, industrial design, furniture design, interactive art, and design strategy. His interests in the confluence between digital and physical experiences took him to Xerox PARC where he worked on ambient media and physical computing. Prior to Stanford, he worked for IDEO as designer and design strategist creating novel experiences and crafting futures for high technology companies. Despite his interest in technology and design theory, he likes to be elbow deep in design work. He is happiest in the presence of sharp minds, sharp cutting tools, wood dust, cutting oil, and the smell of solder.
Bill Burnett
Consulting Assistant Professor, Executive Director – Stanford Design Program
After years of drawing cars and airplanes under his Grandmother’s sewing machine, Bill Burnett went off to the University and discovered, much to his surprise, that there were people in the world who did this kind of thing everyday (without the sewing machine) and they were called designers. Twenty years, five companies, and a couple of thousand students later Bill is still drawing and building things, teaching others how to do the same, and quietly enjoying the fact that no one has discovered that he is having too much fun.
Bill Burnett is a Consulting Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering and the Executive Director of the Design Program. He manages the undergraduate and graduate program in design at Stanford, both joint programs between the Mechanical Engineering department and the Art department. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Product Design at Stanford and has worked professionally on a wide variety of projects ranging from award-winning Apple portable computers to the original Hasbro Star Wars action figures. He holds a number of mechanical and design patents and design awards for a variety of products including the first “true slate” computer. In addition to his duties at Stanford, he serves as a board member of D2M, a product design consultancy, Dalson Energy, an alternative energy company focused on developing biomass gasification energy systems for small-scale municipalities, and advises several Internet start-up companies on design strategy.
Bill teaches the senior Capstone Project class, the Graduate Thesis class, a class called “The Designers Voice” and a somewhat mystical version of the only industrial design class taught at Stanford called Formgiving. Formgiving is as much a guided meditation, self-reflection, and group therapy exercise as it is a class about design. One student said that learning formgiving this way was like learning to use “the Force”. Bill could not have said it any better.
Matt Kahn
Professor, Department of Art and Art History
John Edmark
Lecturer, Department of Art and Art History
John Edmark has taught in the Design program of the Department of Art & Art History since 2003. In addition to teaching classes in design fundamentals, product design, animation, and color, he is a graduate adviser to students in the Joint Program in Design. His art and design pursuits range from organically inspired cellular and kinetic works to products for storage, kitchen, and creative play (www.JohnEdmark.com). In 2008 he was an Artist-in-Residence at the Exploratorium in San Francisco where he created a work for the Geometry Playground travelling exhibition. He is named inventor on nine U.S. and foreign utility patents.
Previous to focusing on design, he spent a number of years researching virtual environments at Bell Laboratories. He has an M.S. in Product Design from Stanford, and a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from Columbia University.
David Beach
Professor, Director of the Product Realization Laboratory and co-Director of the Stanford Alliance for Innovative Manufacturing
Born the descendant of teachers, professors, tool & die makers and mill owners; it was inevitable that Dave would profess creation: design and manufacture. Born the son of a painter/museum director, he was likely to celebrate aesthetics and human values in design. In 1972 he accepted an offer to embrace what turned out to be the most satisfying calling in the world: helping Stanford students to physically create the products of their imagination, calculation, inspiration and teamwork. Dave has fathered a family, built a home, rebuilt a truck, built a stone wall, grown vegetables, written poems, welded aluminum, cast bonze, machined titanium, wielded a shovel, embraced CAD/CAM, and taught thousands of students something about design and manufacturing. Dave has embraced a second kind of teaching in his life. As a team, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Fire and Dave train and compete in obedience and field events.
Dave believes that tacit knowledge, the judgment and instinct born of designing and building things, combines with traditional engineering education to graduate creators of new things in life. As Director of the Product Realization Laboratory and co-Director of the Stanford Alliance for Innovative Manufacturing, and teacher, Dave brings to the d.school creativity in teaching, experience with design and manufacturing process, sensitivity for the human and aesthetic values of products, and huge enthusiasm for the enterprise.
Dev Patnaik
Consulting Assistant Professor
Dev Patnaik is a founder and principal of Jump Associates, a consulting firm that helps companies innovate. Together with his teammates, he works with visionary business leaders to identify new markets, reinvent existing categories, and define new products and services. Dev is a trusted advisor to senior executives at some of America’s most admired companies, including General Electric, Nike, Procter & Gamble, Target and Hewlett-Packard.
When he’s not working at Jump, Dev moonlights down the road at Stanford University asa Lecturer, where he teaches design research methods to undergraduate and graduate students. Since 1999, he has taught a course called Needfinding. In the class, students draw upon methods from anthropology, design and business planning to discover insights about ordinary people and create new products. While the class is required for all Design majors, it’s become a favorite of students from the Business School, School of Education and even Computer Science. Dev has a Bachelor’s degree in Product Design from Stanford.
Prior to founding Jump, Dev was the Director of Design at Forbes Marshall, a manufacturer of industrial process controls based in India. Dev led the development of Forbes Marshall’s internal design capabilities, creating programs in product design, exhibit design and corporate identity. Dev also led the company’s product strategy initiative, which eventually led him to work in the crossover space between design and business planning. After a stint with a strategy firm in Chicago, Dev returned to California to help found Jump in 1997. A frequent speaker at marketing, design and innovation forums, Dev was recently featured as a guest on “The Business of Innovation,” a series on CNBC. His articles on innovation and strategy have appeared in several publications including BusinessWeek, Brandweek and the Design Management Review.
Michael Berry
Consulting Assistant Professor
A founder of Point Forward, Michael has over two decades of experience providing strategic innovation at the critical early stages of the product development process. Known for his infectious energy and enthusiasm, Michael consistently inspires individuals and companies to create new ideas - from abstract theories of consumer behavior to tangible product designs. He believes in the power of “learning by doing,” spending hundreds of hours each year interviewing consumers and experiencing the environments where they live and work.
With a wide range of expertise - from engineering to design to cultural studies - he has restructured the research and innovation process, provided strategic project management, and designed over 80 products, including computers from mainframes to handhelds, consumer packaged goods, and entertainment and communication products. His clients include Sony, IBM, Kimberly-Clark, HP, Merck, Shure, Johnson Diversey, Ericsson, Nestlé, Wells Fargo Bank, Wrigley, and several divisions of Unilever. His teams have received numerous awards from ID Magazine, IDSA, and Business Week, and have been featured in Product Design and International Design yearbooks. In addition, Michael has been a featured speaker at leading business forums including the Industrial Designers Society of America, the Management Roundtable, and the Product Development and Management Association.
He is an Adjunct Professor at the Stanford University School of Mechanical Engineering and a guest lecturer at the Harvard School of Business and the University of California Haas School of Business. Michael teaches the nation’s top students how to connect innovation to new understandings of customers. Michael received his BS in Mechanical Engineering and his MS in Product Design from Stanford University School of Engineering.
Bill Moggridge
Consulting Associate Professor, founder of IDEO
Award-winning designer Bill Moggridge is a founder of IDEO, one of the most successful design firms in the world, and one of the first to integrate the design of software and hardware into the practice of industrial design. He has been Visiting Professor in Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art in London, Lecturer in Design at the London Business School, member of the Steering Committee for the Interaction Design Institute in Ivrea, Italy, and is currently Consulting Associate Professor in the Design Program and teaches at the d.school.
Bill’s career has had three phases; first as designer, then as a manager of design, and now as a communicator, working as a writer, graphic designer and video maker. His fascination with design, and with what people want from everyday things, has given him a broad view of the information revolution. His recent book “Designing Interactions” is available from the MIT Press.
Barry Katz
Consulting Professor
Barry Katz was educated at McGill University in Montréal, the London School of Economics, and holds a doctorate from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He is a professor of Humanities and Design at California College of the Arts, consulting professor of mechanical engineering at Stanford University, and fellow at IDEO, Silicon Valley’s leading design and innovation consultancy.
A prolific author, books by Barry include Herbert Marcuse and the Art of Liberation (Verso), Foreign Intelligence: Research and Analysis in the Office of Strategic Services, 1942–1945 (Harvard), and Technology and Culture: A Historical Romance (Stanford). More recently he has coauthored Change By Design, with Tim Brown, a book on design thinking, and with Branko Lukic, an exploration of Design Fictions. A new book, Tectonic Shift: The Unstable History of Silicon Valley Design, is forthcoming from MIT Press.
Katz has served as executive editor of the Design Book Review and contributing editor to I.D. and Metropolis magazines, and his writings on the history and philosophy of design have appeared in many academic, professional, and popular journals.
Nicole Kahn
David Moore
David Evans
Cynthia Benjamin
Paul Saffo
Consulting Associate Professor
Paul is a forecaster and essayist with over two decades experience exploring long-term technological change and its practical impact on business and society. In addition to teaching in the Design Program Paul is a Visiting Scholar in the Stanford Media X research network. He was the founding chairman of the Samsung Science Board and serves on a variety of other boards including the Long Now Foundation, the Singapore National Research Foundation Science Advisory Board, and the Pax Group. He has served as an advisor and Forum Fellow to the World Economic Forum since 1997. Paul is a columnist for ABCNews.com, and his essays have appeared in numerous publications including The Harvard Business Review, Fortune, Wired, The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, The New York Times, and the Washington Post. Paul is a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and holds degrees from Harvard College, Cambridge University and Stanford University.
David Northway
Amanda Knox
Branko Lukic
Jeffrey Schox
Consulting Assistant Professor
Jeffrey teaches the course ME208 "Patent Law and Strategy for Innovators and Entrepreneurs" in the engineering school. The course provides a foundation to understand the patent system and strategies to build a patent portfolio and avoid patent infringement. He also teaches the course LAW321 "Patent Prosecution" in the law school (which is cross-listed as ME238 in the engineering school).
Jeffrey, who is a Registered Patent Attorney, is the founding member of Schox Patent Group, which is a boutique patent firm devoted to startup ventures. Drawing on his experience of twelve years in patent law and six years in angel investing, he builds patent portfolios that enable startups to increase value and attract funding. His clients have attracted investments from high profile venture capital firms, including DFJ, Flagship, Greylock, Kleiner Perkins, and Union Square. With degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, he has filed over 300 patent applications on a broad range of cutting-edge inventions, including vehicle systems, medical devices, electrical systems, computer software, and clean technologies. Before starting his own law firm, Jeffrey worked at one of the largest patent law firms in the nation.
Jeffrey contributed to both the UMich Solar Car and the General Motors EV1, has mentored finalists of the California Clean Tech Open, and continues to be actively involved in cultivating environmentally conscious inventions.