How we came to the decisions on our final design

Mechanical Design Process
We wanted to find the best physical method of moving the cars. These are the methods that we considered before chosing on one. Click on each of the methods to see reasons for choosing or not choosing them.
Method #1 Method #2 Method #3 Method #4
Printer Belt Drive:

Gear and chain:

Threaded Rod: Fishing Line Belt Drive:
not chosen not chosen not chosen Chosen


Game Design Process
We wanted to find the best programming logic method of moving the cars. These are the methods that we considered before chosing on one. Click on each of the methods to see reasons for choosing or not choosing them.
Method #1 Method #2 Method #3
"Rough Motion Method"

"Smooth Motion Method"

"Rough, but with PWM"
not chosen not chosen Chosen
We wanted to find the best player interactiom method with the game.. These are the methods that we considered before chosing on one. Click on each of the methods to see reasons for choosing or not choosing them.
Method #1 Method #2
"Finger actuated " "Foot actuated "
Chosen not chosen
We wanted to find the best player setup method for our game. These are the methods that we considered before chosing on one. Click on each of the methods to see reasons for choosing or not choosing them.
Method #1 Method #2 Method #3
"Man vs. Machine (1 player) " "Man Vs. Man (2 Player) " "Combination between method 1&2 "
not chosen not chosen Chosen