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Bill of Materials

Below you will find a detailed accounting of the components used to construct my little fabrication, should you care to attempt design of a similar device of your own.

Purchased Structural and Decorative Components

Item Cost Count* Total
Model train $10.00 1 $10.00
Brass lamp shade $2.00 1 $2.00
Brass candle holder $1.00 1 $1.00
Faux leather box $1.50 1 $1.50
Stick-on wood panel $1.50 1 $1.50
Masonite sheet (1/4" thick) $9 1 $9.00
Roll of stretch tape $3 1 $3.00
Heavy-Duty Velcro $3.50 1 $3.50
Aluminum Rod $1.25 1 $1.25
Polyethylene Tubing $0.75 1 $0.75
Fasteners (nuts, bolts, washers) Variable Assorted $7.00
Total $42.50

Purchased Sensory and Drivetrain Components

Item Cost Count* Total
Maxon motor Donated 2 Donated
7.2 volt battery pack $13.00 2 $26.00
Spider coupling $2.50 2 $5.00
Infrared tape sensor $2.00 4 $8.00
Limit switches $3 4 $12.00
Motor driver board $9.50 2 $19.00
Resistors and capacitors Variable Assorted $7.00
Molex connectors and wire Variable Assorted $5.00
Total $82.00

Already available Laboratory Kit Components

Item Count*
LM324 operational amp 2
LM339 comparator 1
LM7805 voltage regulator 1
LM7605 voltage regulator 2
Red light-emitting diode 3
Photo transistor 2

*As a side note, I am personally acquainted with several esteemed Counts, including Matthew of Ohline, Karl of Gumerlock Woods and Paul of the Very Long Day, but none of them is referenced in this accounting.