My Automated Locomotive Computation Engine has been assembled from a variety of parts, including those quite technical as well as those available to the layman. The basic shell of the structure is formed by a purchased cardboard box, garnished with snakeskin lining. The navigation sensors have been placed in the front of the structure, inside a hollowed-out children's toy locomotive. Pieces of this locomotive were also used for stablization in the front and rear. The ball-catching receptacle is constructed with brass filigree of the finest craftmanship.
Spider couplings transfer the rotation of the motor to the wheel axles. Those same axles are supported by structures cut out of masonite on the LaserCAMM device (a fantasical new machine fashioned for these modern times). All electronic components are stacked in layers and housed within the box, so as not to reveal my Automated Locomotive Computation Engine's astounding wizardry to the common observer.