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Pseudo Code:
[Helm SM] [Ship SM] [Helm Keypad]

Source Code (zip):
[Helm & Ship PIC] [Ship SSP Slave] [Helm Keypad]

[State Machine] [Pinout]

Support Code (zip):
[PIC Serial Communicator]

Ship Pseudo Code: State Machine


;include            "p16f690.inc"

;include            "CommonDefines.inc"


;name global variables

;name incoming variables


;define global and local variables





;DO EVERY TIME!!!            Check for ping and hard reset messages from the Admiral


;Check for Admiral header (byte 0)

;Check if it was a ping message from the Admiral (byte 2)

                                    ;Save sender address

                                    ;set sender address

                                    ;set header

                                    ;set data to send

                                    ;set flag to send message (ping response)

                                    ;Clear header

                        ;Check if it was a hard reset message from the Admiral (byte 2)

                                    ;Clear header

                                    ;set initialize state bit





            ;Check the state bit


            ;Call all config .asm files


            ;Update all control registers


            ;reset ibutton


            ;reset Helm address


            ;Update ping value


            ;Change state to bSTATE_iButtonWait



;STATE BOAT iButtonWait


            ;Check the state bit


            ;Update all control registers


            ;Update ping value


            ;reset ibutton


            ;Call iButton function


;Check if Serial Numbers are still 0

                        ;reset ibutton

                        ;if not still 0, RETURN


            ;Call iButton function


            ;Check if Serial Numbers are still 0

                        ;if not still 0, RETURN


            ;Call all config .asm files


            ;Output team color


            ;Change state to iButtonRx





            ;check the state


            ;Update all controll registers


            ;Update ping value


            ;Check iButton header

                        ;check byte Hi of iButton

                        ;check byte Lo of iButton

                                    ;if there’s a match continue, else RETURN

                        ;Clear header

                        ;Save sender address

                        ;set sender address

                        ;Set header

                        ;Set data to send

                        ;set flag to send message (match message)


            ;clear test byte and set GameOn bit


            ;Clear 3 sec TMR





            ;check the state


            ;Update ping value


            ;Check Navigation header

                        ;Clear 3 sec TMR

                        ;Parse Nav Packet

;call servo motor counter setup

                        ;Clear header


            ;Check Admiral header

                        ;Check if it was a stand down message from the Admiral (byte 2)

                                    ;Save sender address

                                    ;save sent message and set data to send

                                    ;set sender address

                                    ;set header

                                    ;set flag to send message (ack msg)

                                    ;Clear header

                                    ;Change state to stand down

                        ;Check if it was a soft reset message from the Admiral (byte 2)

                                    ;Save sender address

                                    ;save sent message and set data to send

                                    ;set sender address

                                    ;set header

                                    ;set flag to send message (ack msg)

                                    ;Clear header

                                    ;change state to GameOn





            ;check the state


            ;Update ping value


            ;Update all controll registers


            ;check if the "send msg flag" is set; if it's set do not attempt to send another msg


            ;Forward stand down msg to helm

                        ;set sender address

                        ;set header

                        ;set data to send

                        ;send stand down received


            ;Check Admiral header

                        ;Check if it was a soft reset message from the Admiral (byte 2)

                                    ;Save sender address

                                    ;save sent message and set data to send

                                    ;set sender address

                                    ;set header

                                    ;set flag to send msg (ack msg)

                                    ;Clear header

                                    ;clears State and sets GameOn bit


            ;Check Ack header

                        ;Clear header

                        ;clears State and sets GameOn bit





            ;check the state


            ;Update ping value


            ;Update all control registers


            ;Check Navigation header

                        ;Clear header

                        ;change state to GameOn


            ;Check Admiral header

                        ;Check if it was a stand down message from the Admiral (byte 2)

                                    ;Save sender address

                                    ;save sent message and set data to send

                                    ;set sender address

                                    ;set header

                                    ;set flag to send msg (ack msg)

                                    ;Clear header

                                    ;Change state to stand down

                        ;Check if it was a soft reset message from the Admiral (byte 2)

                                    ;Save sender address

                                    ;save sent message and set data to send

                                    ;set sender address

                                    ;set header

                                    ;set flag to send msg (ack msg)

                                    ;Clear header

                                    ;change state to GameOn

