Red October
     an ME218C Project

ME218C: Red October

Dept. of Mechanical Eng. | Stanford University

Meaningless graphic

C Code

File Menu
main.c    helm_input.c    helm_display.c    ibutton.c    xbee.c   
helm_input.h helm_display.h ibutton.h xbee.h
#include <hidef.h>      /* common defines and macros */
#include <mc9s12e128.h>     /* derivative information */
#include <S12E128bits.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include "XBee.h"
#include "helm_display.h"
#include "ADS12.H"
#include "helm_input.h"

// # defines for Specials

// ----------------------------------------
// --- Functions
// ----------------------------------------

// Initialization _________________________________________
void InitInputPorts(void) 

// initialize all ports to analog, because, well, fuck it
       if (ADS12_Init("AAAAAAAA") == ADS12_OK) 
         printf("A/D Initialized Successfully\r\n");

      	printf("A/D Failed to Initialize\r\n"); 
      // Initialize special inputs E0 = special 1, E1 = special 2
      //DDRE &= (SPECIAL1_LO & SPECIAL2_LO);
      DDRE = 0x00;

// A/D Reads_______________________________________________      

char Report_Special1(void)

    return (PORTE & BIT7HI);

char Report_Special2(void)

    return (PORTE & BIT1HI);

int Report_Voice(void) 
    return ADS12_ReadADPin(4);   //was 0 // AD3 was broken

int Report_FSR(void) 
  return ADS12_ReadADPin(2);   //was 1       


int Report_Roll(void) 
  return ADS12_ReadADPin(1);      

int Report_Pitch(void) 
    return ADS12_ReadADPin(0);             

// Interpret A/D ___________________________________________

char Set_Speed(void) 
   static unsigned int  voice_in;

   static char          direction;
   static unsigned int  temp_v; 
   voice_in = Report_Voice(); 

//   printf("Voice IN = %d\r\b", voice_in);
// check for invalid values

            if( (voice_in < VOICE_MIN))
    //              printf("Voice level below minimum. Voice: %d,        Min: %d\r\n", voice_in, VOICE_MIN);
   //               printf("Defaulting to a STOP (8)\r\n");
                  return 8; //stop     


// check direction   
   direction = Check_Reverse();
   if (direction == FORWARD) 

             if( (voice_in > VOICE_MAX))
       //           printf("Voice level exceeds maximum. Voice: %d,      Max: %d\r\n", voice_in, VOICE_MAX);
       //           printf("Defaulting to FULL SPEED AHEAD (F)\r\n");
                  return 15;    //full ahead     


        // (Vin - Vmin) / (Vmax - Vmin) = % of throttle scale
        // * F - 8 = translates to the direction scale
        // + 8 put it into the appropriate positive range
      temp_v = ((voice_in - VOICE_MIN) * 7) / (VOICE_MAX - VOICE_MIN); 
      return (temp_v + 8);  
   } else if (direction == REVERSE) 

             if( (voice_in > VOICE_MAX))
        //          printf("Voice level exceeds maximum. Voice: %d,      Max: %d\r\n", voice_in, VOICE_MAX);
         //         printf("Defaulting to FULL SPEED REVERSE (F)\r\n");
                  return 0;    //full reverse    

        // same, but there are 8 options ont he bottom side
        // (0x08 - 0x00)
        // and the scale goes from 0 to 8
       temp_v =  8-((voice_in - VOICE_MIN) * 8) /  (VOICE_MAX - VOICE_MIN);

       return (temp_v);  

char Set_Direction(void)
    static unsigned int     roll_in;

    static unsigned int     temp_d;
    roll_in = Report_Roll();
  //  printf("Roll IN = %d\r\n", roll_in);
// check for invalid values

    if (roll_in > ROLL_MAX) 
    //    printf("ROLL exceeds maximum value. Roll: %d,        Max: %d\r\n", roll_in, ROLL_MAX);
   //     printf("Defaulting to FULL LEFT (0)\r\n");
        return 0;   

    if (roll_in < ROLL_MIN) 
  //      printf("ROLL is below minimum value. Roll: %d,        Min: %d\r\n", roll_in, ROLL_MIN);
   //     printf("Defaulting to FULL RIGHT (F)\r\n");
        return 15; 

// check for dead zone

    if( (roll_in <= (ROLL_ZERO + ROLL_DEAD_ZONE))&&(roll_in >= (ROLL_ZERO - ROLL_DEAD_ZONE))) 

        return 8;       // 8 is dead ahead           


// scale linearly in two spaces outside of the dead zone

    if(roll_in > ROLL_ZERO + ROLL_DEAD_ZONE)

        return (15-((roll_in - (ROLL_ZERO + ROLL_DEAD_ZONE))*7/(ROLL_MAX - (ROLL_ZERO + ROLL_DEAD_ZONE))+8));

   //return ((roll_in - ROLL_MIN) * (15) / (ROLL_MAX - ROLL_MIN));       
   return 15-((8-((ROLL_ZERO - ROLL_DEAD_ZONE) - roll_in)*8/((ROLL_ZERO - ROLL_DEAD_ZONE)-ROLL_MIN)));

char Set_PumpSpeed(void)
   static int FSR_in;
   static int temp_FSR;

   FSR_in = Report_FSR(); 

   temp_FSR = (((FSR_in - FSR_MIN) * 15)/(FSR_MAX - FSR_MIN));

   if (temp_FSR > 15) return 15;
   return temp_FSR;


char Check_Reverse(void) 
  static int pitch;
   pitch = Report_Pitch();

 //  printf("Pitch is: %d\r\n", pitch);
   if (pitch > REVERSE_THRESHOLD) 
 //      printf("Forward (Check_Reverse)\r\n");
        return FORWARD;
   } else 

  //      printf("Reverse (Check_Reverse)\r\n");
        return REVERSE;    