Red October
     an ME218C Project

ME218C: Red October

Dept. of Mechanical Eng. | Stanford University

Meaningless graphic

C Code

File Menu
main.c    helm_input.c    helm_display.c    ibutton.c    xbee.c   
helm_input.h helm_display.h ibutton.h xbee.h
// Xbee.h header file
// as of now, included in both Xbee.c
// main.c

//Keep calling this continously.  Updates XBee module-level variables
char SendingFSM(void);

//Also call this continuously.  
void ReceivingFSM(void);
void XBee_Init(void);

//return char[12] of all the bytes in a message
unsigned char Get_XBee_Byte(char index);

//modifies XBee module level variables.
//this needs to be called only once for each set of values
//Sending_FSM still needs to be called to actually send the data.

void Send_XBee_Data(unsigned char header, unsigned char navigation, unsigned char special);

//modifies XBee module-level variables.  Only needs to be called
void Set_XBee_Address(unsigned char MSB, unsigned char LSB); 

//three input data bytes -- to check last received data, look in these bytes

//sets variables in XBee module

void Set_XBee_Bytes(unsigned char header_byte, unsigned char navigation_byte, unsigned char special_byte);

//returns 0x01 if new message, 0x00 if not
//(just reads message flag in XBee.c 
char Check_Message_Flag(void);

//clears message flag
void Clear_Message_Flag(void);