The Shooter Module is programmed to handle all events that involve shooting and reading the lasers that we use to fire at the targets

Click here to see the hardware setup of the Lasers

Click here to see and download the complete Shooter.h module

Click here to see and download the complete Shooter.c module

Public Level Functions:

Function: initShooter(void)
Description: Initializes the shooter module at the beginning of each game.
Input: None
Output: None
Psuedocode: Initialize outputs as off
Set correct input and output ports
Initialize all timers as expired
Set gun cooldown based on difficulty

Function: checkTrigger1(void), checkTrigger2(void)
Description: Checks to see if there is a valid trigger pull
Input: None
Output: Unsigned char 1 for a trigger pull, 0 otherwise
Psuedocode: If the trigger is pulled and the fire cooldown has expired, return 1
Otherwise, return 0

Function: checkShooter1(void), checkShooter2(void)
Description: Checks to see if the shooters need to be deactivated
Input: None
Output: Unsigned char 1 for yes, 0 for no
Psuedocode: Return if the fire timer is expired

Function: fireShooter1(void), fireShooter2(void)
Description: Activates the laser pointers and relevant timers.
Input: None
Output: None
Psuedocode: Initialize fire timer
Initialize cooldown timer
Turn on laser

Function: turnOffShooter1(void), turnOffShooter2(void)
Description: Deactivates the laser pointer and relevant timer.
Input: None
Output: None
Psuedocode: Turn off laser
Clear fire timer.

Function: isFiring1(void), isFiring2(void)
Description: Checks to see if the shooter is firing
Input: None
Output: Unsigned char 1 for yes, 0 for no
Psuedocode: Return if the fire timer is active

Function: vibrate1(void), vibrate2(void)
Description: Activates the gun vibrate motors and relevant timer.
Input: None
Output: None
Psuedocode: Turn on vibrate motor
Initialize vibrate timer

Function: checkVibrate1(void), checkVibrate2(void)
Description: Checks to see if the vibrate motors need to be deactivated
Input: None
Output: Unsigned char 1 for yes, 0 for no
Psuedocode: Return if the vibrate timer is expired

Function: turnOffVibrate1(void), turnOffVibrate2(void)
Description: Deactivates the vibrate motors and relevant timer.
Input: None
Output: None
Psuedocode: Turn off vibrate motor
Clear vibrate timer

Function: endShooter(void)
Description: Deactivates all actuators controlled by the shooter module at the end of each game.
Input: None
Output: None
Psuedocode: Turn off both shooters
Turn off both vibrate motors