main: runs the entire code step by step.
     Global Variables: GameLevel (selected with potentiometer), GameEvent (codes if score occured)
     Includes: ME218_C32, timers12, PWMS12, SpinningWheelDetect, SpinningWheelPlay

SpinningWheelPlay: contains functions which operate the game and user interactions
     Includes: ME218_C32, timers12, PWMS12, ADS12
     Functions: GreenLight, YellowLight, RedLight (traffic lights), PointCount, DispenseSwag,
                    PulseShiftRegClock (controls shift register), ClearRegister (resets register)

SpinningWheelDetect: Event checkers and handlers
     Includes: ME218_C32, timers12, PWMS12, ADS12
     Functions: CheckCoinEvent (penny input), CheckMotorSelect (level select), HandleMotorSelect
                    (sets spinning wheel speed), CheckBall (checks if opto-interrupter has seen a ball),
                    CurrentState (works with CheckBall to return the current pin state)

MotorControl: functions to start up the motor at a specified speed
     Includes: ME218_C32, timers12, PWMS12
     Functions: SlowMotor, MediumMotor, FastMotor




©2007 dalal tower wohl