What's Going On? The Team The Goodies
The Takeaways
The Class The Game

The Staple Champions

Peter Rubin
While doing PD at Stanford as an undergrad and spending a summer at IDEO, Peter had the opportunity to learn about the design process while working on a wide range of projects, from toys to medical devices. He soon realized that he never learned anything concrete, and now wants to make really sweet robots. Peter spends many of his waking hours at the d.school, sharing his passion for design thinking with students who work in interdisciplinary teams to solve real-world problems. When Peter's not charging capacitors backwards, he loves wandering around art museums, tasting six sigma wine, road biking, going to concerts, being ridiculous, and exploring San Francisco.
Ted Sweet
Ted Sweet is a coterm student in Mechanical Engineering. He likes to design and build stuff, which is why he's studying ME and that is why he's taking this class. He works in the PRL as a TA, which fits into the whole theme of designing and building. He likes to do a lot of other stuff too, but won't get into the details here. In closing, he would like to share some wise words he once heard, "NEVER TRUST ROBOTS."
Carly Geehr
Carly is a nerdette who hails from the OC. Yeah, just like the show! She's all about coding, cake-making, CNC machines, and cycling. And chocolate. She made the mistake of being a pre-med engineer as an undergrad (oops!) but finally saw the light and now she does mostly design as a masters student in mechanical engineering. When she's not using her mad shop skillz, she's probably playing guitar hero, cooking, or watching Ace of Cakes. Her favorite part of the stapler experience was getting to work with her awesome teammates, Peter and Ted!
Thank you to:
Teaching Team
We'd like to thank the awesome ME218a teaching team for a great quarter! Karl, no one finds bugs faster than you. Nick, thanks for your unrelenting use of the Socratic Method. Paul, thanks for the comic relief. And Matt, thanks for teaching us everything we know about playing with electrons!
There's no way we can possibly list all of our inspirations for this project, but we'd like to list off a few: GALAXY TRAIN, grilled cheese from Axe & Palm, the green fridge, sheistotyping, hot fluge, cube monkeys...
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