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Follow the links below to find pseudocode for the entire program, actual C code for the main program, and C code for each module.
Header Files Code Files Pseudocode Description


CheckSlot.html Provides the functionality for checking the penny-drop encoders and converting the encoded value into a decoded value.
CustomTime.h CustomTime.c CustomTime.html Provides extra common functions necessary for executing time-based code
DigitalIO.h DigitalIO.c DigitalIO.html Provides the common functions for declaring, defining, configuring, reading, and writing IO data in an object-oriented fashion, so that lower-level functions do not directly read, write, or change IO port data.
GameTimerLED.h GameTimerLED.c GameTimerLED.html Provides the functions for initializing, resetting, and counting on the Game Timer LED hardware.
  main.c main.html Contains the main() function and the game structure
PrizeLED.h PrizeLED.c PrizeLED.html Provides the functions for initializing, resetting, and writing patterns to the Prize LED hardware
ShiftRegister.h ShiftRegister.c ShiftRegister.html Provides the lower level functions for writing data to a shift-register.  Used by GameTimerLED.c and PrizeLED.c
Stepper.h Stepper.c Stepper.html Contains the functions for initializing, homing, and stepping the stepper motor according to the potentiometer input
Swag.h Swag.c Swag.html Contains the functions for initializing and actuating the SWAG motor.  
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