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Signaling Module:
[Header File]  [Pseudocode]  [C Code]

Timing Module:
[Header File]  [Pseudocode]  [C Code]


[Pinout Diagram]
Game Play Module:
[Header File]  [Pseudocode]  [C Code]

Main Module:
[Header File]  [Pseudocode]  [C Code]

Main Pseudocode

/* State machine for Railroad HandCar arcade game */

  Set the current state to 'initializing' game settings

  Repeat forever
    Evaluate depending on the current state:

      /* Initialize timer and IO ports at startup */
      If initializing:
        Initialize the following timers:
          Collision, recovery, overall game  
        Initialize the following IO ports:
          T all input, M all output, AD at least 1 analog input

        Set the current state to 'waiting for penny insertion'				 
      /* Initialize/place villain. Wait for penny */

      If waiting for penny insertion: 
        Initialize the handcar speed to 0
        Initialize the background scroll speed to 0

        If the villain is not at his initial position
          Slowly back the villain to his initial position

        If a penny has been inserted
          Sound a single 'game ready' chime
          Set the current state to 'waiting for the game to start'

      /* Set ready light. Wait for 'start' button */
      If waiting for the game to start:
        Light the 'game ready' lights
        If the start button has been pressed
          Sound a double 'game playing' chime 
          Turn off the 'game ready' lights
          Start the overall game timer
          Set the current state to 'playing the game'

      /* Main game execution. Advance villain and */
      /* poll every 10 msec whether player caught */
      /* jumping or colliding. Advance background */

      If currently playing the game:
        If the overall game timer has not expired
          If the player has not been caught
            Determine if the player is jumping or landing

            If the player is not colliding
              Set the handcar speed based on handpump speed
              Stop vibrating the pump handle

            Else (the player is colliding)
              Set the handcar speed to 0
              Start vibrating the pump handle

            Set the background scroll speed based on the handcar speed
            Position the villain based on the handcar speed 
          Else (the player has been caught)
            /* Game lost (caught by the villain)  */

            Sound a triple 'game over' chime
            Set the current state to 'initializing'

          Step forward the game play timer

        Else (the overall game timer has expired)
          /* Game won (played until GAME_TIME) */

          Sound a triple 'game over' chime
          Set the current state to 'initializing'
          Dispense the SWAG