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Signaling Module:
[Header File]  [Pseudocode]  [C Code]

Timing Module:
[Header File]  [Pseudocode]  [C Code]


[Pinout Diagram]
Game Play Module:
[Header File]  [Pseudocode]  [C Code]

Main Module:
[Header File]  [Pseudocode]  [C Code]

Signaling Header File

/* Signal header for Railroad Handcar arcade game */

/* Defines                                        */

/* Set a full (IO port) byte to high or low state */

#define BYTELO               0x00
#define BYTEHI               0xFF

/* Do jump signal ports read UP or DN (HI or LO)? */

#define UP                      0
#define DN                      1

/* Define the 2 states for the handle vibrations  */
#define OFF                     0
#define ON                      1

/* Valid return states for GetJumpEvent function  */

#define NO_EVENT                0
#define JUMPED                  1
#define LANDED                  2

/* Duration (in msec) to sound horn during a beep */

#define BEEP_TIME             500

/* Duration (in msec) to dispense Cheez Whiz SWAG */

#define SWAG_TIME            1500

/* Prototypes                                     */

/* Set DDR port T byte to input, M byte to output */
/* Set port AD I/O bits and initialize PWM module */

void InitializePorts(void);

/* Pulse enable (port M0) to send signal to motor */

void PulseEnable(void);

/* Set start indicator LED ON (State != 0) or OFF */

void ReadyLED(char State);

/* Check whether penny inserted; LO means present */

char CheckForPenny(void);

/* Sound the game chime for OnTime amount of time */

void SoundHorn(unsigned int OnTime);

/* Beep (sound game chime) at indicated frequency */

void Beep(char NumTimes);

/* Check whether 'start' button has been pressed  */

char CheckStartButton(void);

/* Get the current handle position (range 0-1023) */

short HandlePosition(void);

/* Set port M5 HI or LO to direct puppet handpump */

void Pump(char Direction);

/* Set (inverted) PWM on port T0 for scroll speed */

void SetScrollSpeed(unsigned int speed);

/* Place villain within servo range from position */

void PlaceVillain(unsigned char position);

/* Check whether the hand car is over an obstacle */

char AtObstacle(void);

/* Set port M1 HI or LO to direct motor direction */

void Jump(char Direction);

/* Check whether a jump or landing event occurred */

char GetJumpEvent(void);

/* Set port M2 LO to vibrate handle for collision */

void VibrateHandle(char signal);

/* Dispense SWAG for the specified length of time */

void DispenseSWAG(void);