You take a closer look at your cubicle. Its gray felt walls are adorned with kid's art and constructed to create an illusion of exaggerated perspective.
You and your opponent begin the game by inserting a penny into a slot in the flashing paycheck in the center of the desk. You are then prompted to select a job title - "Intern," "Junior Salesman," or "Assistant to the Regional Manager," in escalating level of difficulty.
You hit the start button to begin. The paper stacks rise in the inboxes as you stand, poised, with hand on your red Swingline stapler. When the stacks reach the top of their travel, the base of your stapler flashes and it's time to staple!
Each time you press your stapler, your paper stack down one tick.* You staple at lightning speed, hoping to complete your stack before your opponent does.
* Don't worry - the staplers aren't actually filled with staples.

As an intern, all you must do is mindlessly staple. As a Junior Salesman, you need to periodically "reload" as you staple your way to middle management by opening and closing the top of the stapler. Finally, as an Assistant to the Regional Manager, you must also watch out for the ergonomist. She'll make a surprise visit to catch any violators of the company policy on repetitive stress injury. When she pops up over the cubicle, she makes you stop stapling. If you defy her, she'll pile some forms on your stack.
If all goes well, you'll make it through your paper stack before your opponent does. You win! Your stapler flashes, your boss pops up from behind the cubicle to promote you and he gives you a business card.
After a long day at the office, everything resets and the game is ready for two new players to start...