The overall wooden frame structure is responsible for determining the level of the targets. Aside from the console portion, the frame resembles a ladder with four rungs. The protoboards for the game's circuitry rest on the bottom rung, hidden below the console top panel. The two middle rungs of the frame, each of which consists of two parallel 2x2 pieces of wood, support the target subassemblies. The top rung completes the frame and also provides an attachment area for the game title board.
The frame structure components were cut with wood saws and hacksaws, and assembled with wood screws. |
The console top panel is the area where the user inserts a penny, reads game directions, selects game type and game difficulty, observe the current game score and timer, retrieves and stores guns, and retrieve prizes. The rest of the console consists of a masonite front and particle board sides attached to the wooden frame to create a wide, sturdy base for the entire game. The top panel is made of masonite that was Lasercammed to create the appropriate holes needed, such as for the coin slot, gun storage, LCD display. |
Actual console top |